Note:Maximum position value for all currencies:Contract Maintenance Margin Tier Information Table
I. Calculation Method:
Fee = Transaction Amount × Fee Rate
(Opening/Closing Price × Quantity × Fee Rate)
II. Funding Fees
To promote better tracking of index prices by compensating for the difference between long and short positions.
Collection Method:
Funding fees are collected between users, and Sunbit does not charge any funding fees.
Funding fees are exchanged between long and short positions every 8 hours, specifically at 00:00, 08:00, and 16:00 (UTC+8). Fees are only charged or paid if a position is held at these times. If a position is closed before the fee time, no funding fee will be charged.
Payment Rules:
•When the funding rate is positive, long positions pay short positions.
•When the funding rate is negative, short positions pay long positions.
•In the case of dual positions, only the funding fee for the naked position is calculated.
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